Quickly Make Money With Amazon Associates: How to Make Money Online
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Everyone wants to earn money on the Inernet, I am constantly bombarded with questions like, how can I make money in affiliate marketing?
In this tutorial I will explain to your an easy strategy anyone can use to start earning money on the web.
I started earning money on the web with review blogs and using affiliate links to earn a percentage of sales. I started this over 10 years ago with Amazon and even today I use strategies I learned then to drive my current businesses, youtube and other digital product sales across multple sites and those of my corporate clients.
To prove this strategy still works today, I set up a brand new blog and Amazon Associate account to run a case study using the exact steps in this tutorial.
Below I have posted the results.
Are you ready to make money as an affiliate marketer? Let’s get started!
What will you learn in this Tutorial?
- What is affiliate marketing
- How to pick a profitable niche
- Which products to promote
- Launching your blog
- Product reviews
- Generating traffic to your blog
What is affiliate marketing?
In it’s purest form, affiliate marketing is where you (the affiliate) earn a commission for either completing a sale or generating a lead for another party or person.
As an example
Let’s say you want to start selling gym equipment, you would first need to sign up with Amazon as an affiliate, then you would go on to promote their gym equipment through your blog by posting reviews.
When you send them traffic, any purchases made will pay you (the affiliate) a commission.
I have outlined the steps below ….
Sounds pretty simple right?
Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. Your blog will take time to grow and start earning a stable income, persistence and consistency are key in this business.
How to pick a niche
It all starts with your niche and when it comes to making money online, there are 3 main niche markets you need to involved in.
Health, Wealth and Relationships.
These are the three golden, evergreen markets you want to stick with when first starting out.
Although picking one of these marketing alone is not enough.
You will need to drill down 2 or 3 layers and select a sub niche to avoid over saturated markets.
For this example I will be using the Health niche and drilling down into Weight Loss For New Moms.
Note : Pick a niche that you have some experience in if possible, it’ll makes things a lot easier.
Once you have your niche, next you are going to need to research the market for products to promote.
Picking products to promote
You are going to encounter 2 types of products, digital and physical.
Digital products can be purchased and accessed online and physical products are tangible.
The types of products you will be available for you to promote will depend on your niche.
As an example, within the Weight Loss niche you will find both physical and digital products.
- Digital products such as eBooks, Mobile apps, Training programs etc
- Physical products such as Fitness equipment, Supplements, Local gym classes etc
Choosing products to promote, also have your customers best interests in mind, not the product which offers the best comission %.
You need to build trust if your business is to survive and prosper.
To start your research I would recommend Amazon, JVzoo or Clickbank or Binfer.
- Amazon – Physical products
- Clickbank – Digital products
This will give you a good idea of what products are available in your niche.
There are plenty more places to research but if you are starting out I would recommend sticking with these guys.
Once you have found which products to want promote, you then need to create an affiliate account.
- Amazon Affiliate Program (Amazon Associates)
- Clickbank Affiliate Program
- jvzoo.com Affiliate Program
- Binfer Affiliate Program
Once you have signed up, all sites have help sections to help you get started with their platforms and have instructions on grabbing your affiliate links.
Now that you have selected your products and are armed with your affiliate links it’s time to start building your blog.
If you don’t already own a blog, check out my video tutorial on how to start a blog where I walk you through the entire process.
Reviewing Products
Once your website and blog is up and running, the first thing you want to do is start creating some reviews of the products you have chosen to promote. You can do this in two ways.
- Write the reviews yourself
- Outsource the work with websites like Fiverr
For $5 each you can find people who will write you a professional review on ANY product.
IMPORTANT, make sure you or the workers do your keyword research!
Before outsourcing your reviews, make sure you have a keyword you want your review to rank for in the search engines, you can learn how in the video below.
Once you're happy with your keyword, go to Fiverr, register an account (if you don’t already have one) and simply search for the below terms to find relevant Gigs, beware some users may not deliver on time, with proper english so be prepared to lose some money in the beginning - It's all part of your startup costs and learning curve :)
- ‘Amazon product review’
- ‘Clickbank product review’
Next, order your product review through Fiverr and remember to tell your writer the keyword you want to target.
Once you have received your reviews, simply post them to your blog, including images where applicable.
Make Your Reviews Super Professional
Depending on the blog platform you use, you can present your reviews in a pretty manner. If you're using wordpress, use plugin called ‘WP Product Review‘. It will wrap up your review with a professional review panel with star ratings, pro, cons and your affiliate link.
Add pages to your blog
As well as your reviews, you will also need to create some pages on your blog, include an about me page and some pages giving advice about the general product as well.
If we go back to the gym equipment example, you could include a page showing the price compared to gym memberships or the success rate of people working out at home, you get the idea.
I also like to embed related YouTube videos to my pages or you could even make these yourself.
Generating traffic
Once you have posted your reviews on your blog, the next step is to generate traffic to your blog.
The most important traffic I drive to my blog’s is search engine traffic.
You will need to optimize your review for the search engines using the SEO by Yoast plugin and the keyword you have choosen.
Watch video tutorial on how to start a blog where you will learn how this is done.
Once you have your SEO friendly reviews posted up on your blog, you can then visit tutorial on how to generate traffic to your blog for more ways to generate traffic to your blog.
In Conclusion
If you followed all the steps correctly, you should have a good understanding of how affiliate marketing works and have a plan to create your very first review blog.
Remember, if you treat your online business like a hobby, you will get paid like a hobby. If you want to be successful, your online blog and website must be nurtured and you must invest not only time, but resources and money to make it grow and be profitable.
Anybody can make money in affiliate marketing with some hard work and determination, whether it's $50 per month or $5000, this tutorial outlines the fundamentals of how to get started, it's up to you to take action!
Have a question? Comment below or drop me an email over at my contact me page.
Everyone wants to earn money on the Inernet, I am constantly bombarded with questions like, how can I make money in affiliate marketing?
In this tutorial I will explain to your an easy strategy anyone can use to start earning money on the web.
I started earning money on the web with review blogs and using affiliate links to earn a percentage of sales. I started this over 10 years ago with Amazon and even today I use strategies I learned then to drive my current businesses, youtube and other digital product sales across multple sites and those of my corporate clients.
To prove this strategy still works today, I set up a brand new blog and Amazon Associate account to run a case study using the exact steps in this tutorial.
Below I have posted the results.
Are you ready to make money as an affiliate marketer? Let’s get started!
What will you learn in this Tutorial?
- What is affiliate marketing
- How to pick a profitable niche
- Which products to promote
- Launching your blog
- Product reviews
- Generating traffic to your blog
What is affiliate marketing?
In it’s purest form, affiliate marketing is where you (the affiliate) earn a commission for either completing a sale or generating a lead for another party or person.
As an example
Let’s say you want to start selling gym equipment, you would first need to sign up with Amazon as an affiliate, then you would go on to promote their gym equipment through your blog by posting reviews.
When you send them traffic, any purchases made will pay you (the affiliate) a commission.
I have outlined the steps below ….
Sounds pretty simple right?
Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. Your blog will take time to grow and start earning a stable income, persistence and consistency are key in this business.
How to pick a niche
It all starts with your niche and when it comes to making money online, there are 3 main niche markets you need to involved in.
Health, Wealth and Relationships.
These are the three golden, evergreen markets you want to stick with when first starting out.
Although picking one of these marketing alone is not enough.
You will need to drill down 2 or 3 layers and select a sub niche to avoid over saturated markets.
For this example I will be using the Health niche and drilling down into Weight Loss For New Moms.
Note : Pick a niche that you have some experience in if possible, it’ll makes things a lot easier.
Once you have your niche, next you are going to need to research the market for products to promote.
Picking products to promote
You are going to encounter 2 types of products, digital and physical.
Digital products can be purchased and accessed online and physical products are tangible.
The types of products you will be available for you to promote will depend on your niche.
As an example, within the Weight Loss niche you will find both physical and digital products.
- Digital products such as eBooks, Mobile apps, Training programs etc
- Physical products such as Fitness equipment, Supplements, Local gym classes etc
Choosing products to promote, also have your customers best interests in mind, not the product which offers the best comission %.
You need to build trust if your business is to survive and prosper.
To start your research I would recommend Amazon, JVzoo or Clickbank or Binfer.
- Amazon – Physical products
- Clickbank – Digital products
This will give you a good idea of what products are available in your niche.
There are plenty more places to research but if you are starting out I would recommend sticking with these guys.
Once you have found which products to want promote, you then need to create an affiliate account.
- Amazon Affiliate Program (Amazon Associates)
- Clickbank Affiliate Program
- jvzoo.com Affiliate Program
- Binfer Affiliate Program
Once you have signed up, all sites have help sections to help you get started with their platforms and have instructions on grabbing your affiliate links.
Now that you have selected your products and are armed with your affiliate links it’s time to start building your blog.
If you don’t already own a blog, check out my video tutorial on how to start a blog where I walk you through the entire process.
Reviewing Products
Once your website and blog is up and running, the first thing you want to do is start creating some reviews of the products you have chosen to promote. You can do this in two ways.
- Write the reviews yourself
- Outsource the work with websites like Fiverr
For $5 each you can find people who will write you a professional review on ANY product.
IMPORTANT, make sure you or the workers do your keyword research!
Before outsourcing your reviews, make sure you have a keyword you want your review to rank for in the search engines, you can learn how in the video below.
Once you're happy with your keyword, go to Fiverr, register an account (if you don’t already have one) and simply search for the below terms to find relevant Gigs, beware some users may not deliver on time, with proper english so be prepared to lose some money in the beginning - It's all part of your startup costs and learning curve :)
- ‘Amazon product review’
- ‘Clickbank product review’
Next, order your product review through Fiverr and remember to tell your writer the keyword you want to target.
Once you have received your reviews, simply post them to your blog, including images where applicable.
Make Your Reviews Super Professional
Depending on the blog platform you use, you can present your reviews in a pretty manner. If you're using wordpress, use plugin called ‘WP Product Review‘. It will wrap up your review with a professional review panel with star ratings, pro, cons and your affiliate link.
Add pages to your blog
As well as your reviews, you will also need to create some pages on your blog, include an about me page and some pages giving advice about the general product as well.
If we go back to the gym equipment example, you could include a page showing the price compared to gym memberships or the success rate of people working out at home, you get the idea.
I also like to embed related YouTube videos to my pages or you could even make these yourself.
Generating traffic
Once you have posted your reviews on your blog, the next step is to generate traffic to your blog.
The most important traffic I drive to my blog’s is search engine traffic.
You will need to optimize your review for the search engines using the SEO by Yoast plugin and the keyword you have choosen.
Watch video tutorial on how to start a blog where you will learn how this is done.
Once you have your SEO friendly reviews posted up on your blog, you can then visit tutorial on how to generate traffic to your blog for more ways to generate traffic to your blog.
In Conclusion
If you followed all the steps correctly, you should have a good understanding of how affiliate marketing works and have a plan to create your very first review blog.
Remember, if you treat your online business like a hobby, you will get paid like a hobby. If you want to be successful, your online blog and website must be nurtured and you must invest not only time, but resources and money to make it grow and be profitable.
Anybody can make money in affiliate marketing with some hard work and determination, whether it's $50 per month or $5000, this tutorial outlines the fundamentals of how to get started, it's up to you to take action!
Have a question? Comment below or drop me an email over at my contact me page.
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